Responding Effectively to COVID-19

Earth Data wants to offer a helpful and measured response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that continues to be a growing health concern not only in our local communities but across the United States and around the world.

To aid during the crisis, we will offer pro bono assistance to local governments and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and aid them in using Esri’s ArcGIS tools to map and track COVID-19 cases. This data will help them better understand the impact of COVID-19 on local organizations and communities. Please contact us for help.

The information below, provided by Esri, provides valuable information and suggestions for understanding the impact of the pandemic.

Five Steps to Understanding the Potential COVID-19 Impact on Your Organization or Community

  1. Map the cases—Map confirmed and active cases, deaths, and recoveries to identify where COVID‑19 infections exist and have occurred.

  2. Map the spread—Time-enabled maps can reveal how infections spread over time and where you may want to target interventions.

  3. Map vulnerable populations—COVID‑19 disproportionally impacts certain demographics such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. Mapping social vulnerability, age, and other factors help you monitor at-risk groups and regions you serve.

  4. Map your capability to respond—Map facilities, employees or citizens, medical resources, equipment, goods, and services to understand and respond to current and potential impacts of COVID‑19.

  5. Communicate with maps—Use interactive Web maps, dashboard apps, and StoryMaps to help rapidly communicate your situation.

If you need assistance, Esri has set up a focused support program that can help you and your organization manage this crisis. We are making resources available at no cost that can help you prepare, manage, and deliver an effective response to COVID‑19.

Access the Esri COVID-19 GIS Hub

On the COVID-19 GIS Hub, you will find valuable and ready-to-use demographic and other data from authoritative sources, our user community, and business partners. You will also find practical apps that immediately aid better understanding and decision-making. This includes a collection of datasets, applications, and other useful content for your planning and response. These materials will be updated with new content as it becomes available.

Build Your Own Hub Site with a Free ArcGIS Hub Template

To jump-start your own response, we are providing you an ArcGIS Hub Coronavirus Response template at no cost. The template includes examples, materials, and configurations to rapidly deploy your ArcGIS Hub environment. ArcGIS Hub is a framework to build your own website to visualize and analyze the crisis in the context of your organization's or community's population and assets.

If you do not have ArcGIS Online, Esri will donate ArcGIS Online with ArcGIS Hub Basic for six months. To activate your COVID-19 ArcGIS Online and Hub Donation, go to and click Request Assistance.

Once you have your donation or if you already have ArcGIS Online, go to the app launcher, navigate to ArcGIS Hub, click new site, browse the gallery, and activate the Coronavirus Response template.

Read the Esri response in its entirety here:

There is power in GIS mapping, but a greater power lies in our ability to come together and work toward an effective response toward the COVID-19 pandemic. We are here to help.

GivingJoe WilleyCOVID-19